For the first time I managed to install DIAGBOX to start v7.02 so I did all the MAJ one by one until the v7.64, so already I would have liked to know what difference is there with the version 7.57 and 7.64?
Because until now I've been told a lot about 7.57.
Secondly, I noticed in the scrolling menu at the top left of DIAGBOX that you should not have Windows 10 installed, something I have done for a while, what risk can there be?
Now I am looking for an interface, could you recommend me for a start? Or if anyone of you will have one for sale of OCCAZ.
but as you do not know the fofo look
then the problem is not windows 10 itself but rather if you are in 32 or 64 bits?
what is the vehicle for? year?
for your PPI interface
or take an xs evo (SP08-C) at (request your promo code of 7%)
Thank you and sorry, so I'm 32bits.
It would be for a fairly recent Citroen / Peugeot, it is for troubleshooting "we will say its like its lol" 2010-2015, said I heard that there were diag bags for sale at prices of FOUU !! I have spoken of 1200euros, why paid so expensive when we can do it ourselves for 200euros can ready?
I almost rolled and it's prices?
in 32 bits you will be able to make old and recent PSA vehicles.
for the prices! I put 2 links
one is an original (a real) great deal, the link is my previous post "ppi" and the other is one that comes from site "SP08-C"
do you manage to see the links when you click on it?
Yes I managed to join the link! I had already seen it before posting my topic. But it seemed expensive, seeing the price on eBay etc ... given that it is original so I understand are prices.
that of expensive diagnosis !! no you laugh it's worth the double
after there is that of the eobdtool at 85 € fdp included (normally not too much trouble), it's a tip to take an evo xs (SP08-C) at, after you do what you want, buying ebay, aliexpress, etc ..... anyway it's only Chinese and this is the lottery.
avoids ebay and aliexpress, goes through a sales site.
Post opened by people who bought their probe on ebay and aliexpress have stopped counting them ...
Ebay and Aliexpress are shops, where all the sellers sell their product, so more seller, more different price, more choice, and so more shit .....
Or play the card of good quality and problem free by taking a PPi used, paying more expensive certe, but at least it is an original, and therefore zero worries.
Or the xs evolution , the xs evo (SP08-C), in clone among the Chinese. We often advise her.
I will order from
Once my interface received, I do not need the flashed or other? I can start working, let's say lol?
The xs evo (SP08-C) on is already recognized as evolving, so no need to flash.
